To order or request additional information regarding our products, please contact the authorized agent in your area:
Standard purchase order terms and conditions – unless otherwise noted.
Our quotation are valid for thirty (30) days from date of issue.
Orders accepted by us are not subject to cancellation nor is the work subject to delay by buyer except with our handwritten consent on satisfactory terms.
It is not our intention to manufacture any product that may be construed as a patent infringement, or to violate a non-compete clause, if it appears one of these conditions may occur, we reserve the right to withdraw our quotation. Buyer agrees to fully protect Bushings Inc. against litigation or damages, pertaining to above, particularly parts made to buyer’s specifications.
Parts manufactured by us are warranted to be free from defect, but are not guaranteed for any specific length of time or measure of service.
Due to the difficulty of manufacturing an exact quantity ordered, a shortage or excess in count varying not more than 10% from the quantity ordered will be accepted.
A separate charge may be incurred to compensate for any tax, excise, duty, or levy now or hereafter enacted or imposed by any government authority which we may be required to pay pursuant to an order.
Daily interest commensurate with the prime rate, is to be collected if an account is carried past due. Open orders may be cancelled or delayed if the ability of the buyer to discharge debt, becomes questionable at any time.
The failure on our part to enforce strict performance of the above terms and conditions shall not be deemed as a waiver of these terms and conditions.
For additional application assistance, contact us at the factory by phone 248-650-0603, fax 248-650-0606 or by e-mail.